Remediation and enabling

Experts in land remediation projects using our specialist in-house equipment and overcoming enabling and infrastructure challenges for clients.

We have successfully carried out a substantial amount of land remediation works, using our in-house remediation equipment to remove contamination and clear the way for development on numerous sites across the UK.

Remediation works

Our experience has seen us deliver remediation projects at Selly Oak, where our team reprofiled and remediated vast quantities of earth - 800,000m3 was moved with 400,000m3 being remediated – via our state-of-the-art on-site laboratory and soil hospital. Whilst at Ford Dagenham our teams undertook full remediation of the heavily contaminated 20-hectare site, in addition to our recent projects at the 443 acre brownfield site at Barking Riverside and Watford Riverwell.

Enabling works

For projects requiring enabling and infrastructure works, our teams have a depth of experience that allows us to undertake utilities diversions, heritage protection, archaeology surveys and hazardous material identification, in addition to acquiring required permits and planning consents for works.

Careys projects

Our wide-spectrum project portfolio includes the enabling, infrastructure and landscaping works on the 150-hectare site at North West Cambridge, the installation of all major infrastructure at Elephant and Castle and a wide range of infrastructure works at Europe's largest self-build development, Graven Hill.

Joint Managing Director

Effective communication and transparency were key to making the project a success. The Careys team worked cohesively and effectively with us to tackle the inevitable issues that arise from a huge 45 acre remediation project.

Joint Managing DirectorSt Congar Land Limited

Soil engineering

Our expertise in remediation is backed by our bespoke Soil Engineering Plant, which provides an extensive platform for cleaning, remediating and segregating coarse and fine aggregates extracted from construction and demolition waste and contaminated soils. Covered under an environmental permit, our Soil Engineering Plant is capable of processing 500-750 tonnes per day depending on material type.

Sand, clay and silt is separated from the usable aggregate material - the usable aggregate material is completely segregated by size, leaving dirty water/silt for remediation which can be used as either a fill material or further remediated as required.

Any water used or extracted during the process is fed through a water treatment plant to remove contamination through the use of oil skimmers, sand and carbon filters before re-entering the wash plant water tanks. Any excess water extracted during the process is used for dust suppression on-site, with surface water from site being harvested to top up the system, creating a sustainable alternative to using mains water.

Our approach and capability as both a principal and subcontractor enable us to provide excellent standards in site establishment including site security, logistical management, site surveys, hazardous material remediation or removal, archaeological and heritage attendance, utilities isolations and diversions along with site clearance.

We'd love to hear from you, so please get in touch