Careys achieve key HSE milestones at Grousemount Wind Farm

Careys has recently reached two significant health and safety milestones on the Grousemount Wind Farm project. On this project we are responsible for building 38 wind turbines – on rugged terrain, in frequently extreme weather – at a remote site in Cork, Ireland. In addition, we are also tasked with installing the longest 110-kilovolt, underground grid connection in Ireland. When completed, this will link the 120-megawatt Grousemount Wind Farm to the Ballyvouskill 200-kilovolt substation.

  • The Carey Group
  • Monday 10th December 2018

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As of the end of November, we have:

  • Surpassed 300,000 manhours without a lost-time injury on the wind farm project
  • Recorded over 115,000 safe manhours without a lost-time injury on the 30km Ballyvouskill to Coomataggart trenching and ducting project

Our attainment of this landmark safety duo is all the more impressive because of the challenging conditions that we often face on these isolated sites. Without a doubt, these accomplishments are a testament to the detailed planning and effective actions of the site teams, as well as of all the personnel involved on the sites. They are also a credit to the site teams’ off-site support.

As this year draws to a close, we are all committed to remaining vigilant on-site – especially with the arrival of shorter daylight hours and wintry weather. We fully intend to close out 2018 on all our sites with our stellar HSE record intact. Then we will be able to truly enjoy the Christmas break and come back rested, recharged and ready to continue to deliver a safe working environment in 2019.


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